The Most Common Word

by | Mar 1, 2016


This is going to feel harsh.  The truth often does.

It seems like every time I turn around I run into someone who says “I have an idea.”  Super.  Of course there is nothing inherently wrong with an idea.  An idea can most certainly be a good thing.  The problem is that ideas are not rare.  And because ideas are not rare (EVERYONE has them) they are just not that valuable.  Interestingly, everyone who comes up and says “I have an idea” usually thinks it is REALLY valuable.

But it’s not.

I was at a restaurant the other day with someone discussing a business idea.   He started whispering and said “I don’t want to say this too loud.”  He was being respectful to me and my idea.  But I looked up and said “Do you know how long people have been talking about this very idea?  I am not worried about someone stealing the idea!  They would have to DO something with it.”

And there’s the rub.

One of the most common words in life is “idea.”  But the most common issue is another word…”excuse.”  Most people seem to have a lot of both of these.

If you want your idea to matter, let me introduce you to a new word…execute.

It seems everyone you meet will tell you they have a great new business idea or the next great American novel.  The challenge is, most of these well-meaning individuals never make it a priority.  Instead they tell you why they don’t have the money to get it started or the time to make it happen.  They make an excuse.

For every idea they have, they have an excuse.  Today let’s create a reason to DO.

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