Updated Reading List

Updated Reading List

I set the goal to read 50 books in 2015.  It’s a lofty goal but I am on my way.  I have been asked for a rundown of my list so far…so here we go!Here is a quick update of the books I have gotten through so far!Start by Jon Acuff:  Great book...
Want to be better?  Play up!

Want to be better? Play up!

When I was a young tennis player, I worked hard to improve.  I practiced.  I worked out.  I played for hours and hours.  And I got better.  The hours of practice helped me improve.  But with every endeavor, regardless of how hard you...
My Gratitude Challenge

My Gratitude Challenge

We hear about the power of being positive all the time.  But let’s face it.  It is really hard to avoid the negativity in the world!  And we can’t even blame “the media.”  Though it is right that the media does run a...