A Fresh New Look at Marketing Joy

A Fresh New Look at Marketing Joy

Have you ever had a project that you wanted another crack at?  Maybe you thought it was good…but it could be better.  In a way, that’s how I felt about college.  Don’t get me wrong.  I had a great time.  But there is a (small) part of me that would...
Make a Positive Choice

Make a Positive Choice

Studies tell us that a full 90% of what we see in the world is negative.  If you are on social media with any regularity, I would think you might assume this is low.  Many thought that with the recent election cycle ending, the negativity would slow down.  But I think...
One Thing At a Time

One Thing At a Time

It’s easy to get overwhelmed.  We all do it.  If you have ever started to work on an exciting and important project, you have probably become overwhelmed at some point.  On a project like that, there are lots of steps, and procedures, and processes to...
Weighing in on The Debate

Weighing in on The Debate

I am finally ready to weigh in. After all of the debate and all of controversy, I will give my opinion here. It makes me nervous. I think it might be controversial. But I am finally willing to put myself “out there” and tell you what I really think. Here it is… I...