Shoot Your Shot

Shoot Your Shot

I was having a conversation with a group of fellow content creators this week when something stopped me.  One of the members of the discussion was asking how to get great guests for their podcast.  The question was simple, “I don’t know these people.  How...
What Are You For?

What Are You For?

Here is something I have noticed over the past several years in America.  We spend a great deal of time, energy, and money to define ourselves by what we are against.  We spew vitriol at the thing we are against and we insult anyone that might dare to disagree.  It...
Who Is Your Story Serving?

Who Is Your Story Serving?

One of the challenges I run into when creating content and marketing is that I am selfish.  It’s not that I am a bad person (I hope).  It’s just natural that when we sit down to create, we have our own perspective.  I certainly do.  I have the story I want...
Is This Story Serving Me?

Is This Story Serving Me?

I love the movie Bull Durham.  It’s one of my favorites of all-time.  It’s a funny movie about a minor league baseball team starring Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon, and Tim Robbins.  And while I love it because of its irreverent humor and great dialogue, I...
What Will You Do with the Hard?

What Will You Do with the Hard?

I despise it when people say things like “If you find something you love, you will never work another day in your life.”  It’s a cute saying, but it’s not true.  Regardless of how much you love your chosen profession, there will be times when...