3 Levels of Achievement

by | May 17, 2022

3 levels of achievement

“The greatest distance in the world is the distance between ‘I know’ and ‘I do.'”

This is one of my favorite quotes because it illustrates the idea of “simple and easy.”  So many things are simple.  They are just not easy.  In other words, we know what to do.  We just don’t do it.  There are countless examples of this in my own life.  I “know” how to have 6-pack abs.  But I don’t do the work and live the lifestyle to make it happen.

I “know”…I don’t “do.”

But in listening to the book “The 1 Percent Rule” yesterday, I realized there is another layer.  According to author Tommy Baker, there are 3 levels of achievement.

  • Knowing
  • Doing
  • Being

The first level is “knowing.”

At this level, you are constantly learning lessons repeatedly, but you are not applying the knowledge to your life.  You are reading books and listening to podcasts about starting a business, but you never pull the trigger to create one.

The next level is “doing.”

Now you have begun to put your lessons into action.  You know you need to work out to get in better shape, and now you are pushing yourself to do it consistently.  At this level, you are doing the work, but you have to convince yourself to keep it up.  While this is an incredibly positive step, most people quit here before they see the results they desire.

The final level is “being.”

At this level in your journey, you have put in the work to understand and you have consistently taken action.  Over time, you have “become” the person that does this.  You are not working to be healthy, you ARE a healthy person.  It’s who you are.

Today is a great day to take action on this idea.  What is the one area of your life where you want to see growth?  Do you already know what to do?  My guess is you do.

So today is the perfect day to start doing something (anything) small that can lead you in that direction.  Do that today…and then get ready to do it again tomorrow.

When you start stacking small wins, you begin to sow the seeds of the “future you” that you want to create.

You know what to do.  The next step is to do something about…until you become the person who does it every day.

Get a copy of my best-selling book “The Give First Economy” for FREE here.  Thanks for reading!  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing (and how we might be able to help you) here.


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