3 Tips To Get Back On Track

by | Mar 2, 2021

3 tips to get back on track

Whenever there is a milestone in the year, I find myself reflecting.  I try to take a look back at the goals I set for myself this year.

Am I close to accomplishing them?  Am I on track?  Most importantly, do I feel like I am really putting in the work to make them happen?  No excuses.

The last one is the hardest, of course.  It’s really easy to look back at the year so far and name all of the reasons we are not on track. “Well it’s been a tough time for the family,” you might be saying.  “The economy in our area has been sagging.”  And here’s the thing, that all might be true.  That’s the tough thing about excuses, they are often very real reasons.  I get it.

This is a great time to ask these questions.

1.  Did I really mean it when I set that goal?

2.  Do my actions show that I mean it?

3.  Can I do more to move me toward it?

No matter whether the goal is for finance, faith, or fitness, that last one always gets me.  Yes.  I can do more.  So can you.  But don’t beat yourself up.  Understand that most of us are in the same boat.

So here are some quick steps to get back on track.

1.  Renew Your Commitment: Springtime is a great time to take a deep breath and renew your goals.  It’s a new season.  Spend a little bit of “alone time” and make sure your mind is right to go after it in this next season of the year.

2.  Review the Actions:  Many people say they want to accomplish something, but have you thought about the specific actions you need to take each day to get there?  If you have not thought these actions out, and then act on them every day, you will never consistently reach your goals.

3.  Get It on the Calendar:  I often say, “If it’s not on my calendar, it doesn’t exist.”  As you get busier, it will be harder to keep things all in your head.  Set your time to work on your goals. Whether it’s working out or making cold calls, you need to create a habit of doing the hard stuff.  Get a time on your calendar when this happens so you can push through the times you don’t want to do it!

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Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full-service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in having him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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