“Just make a decision, already!”

by | Feb 19, 2016


“Just make a decision, already!”

Have you ever uttered these words behind a person in the drive thru?  Ever thought these words standing at a home improvement store?  Or has this thought crossed your mind as you work with a colleague on a work project?  My guess is…yes.  We all have.

It’s easy for us to want others to make a quick decision, but it’s not always as easy for us.  We have all had that moment of hesitation before making a decision.

My oldest daughter is struggling with deciding where to go to college next year.  She has done the visits.  She has done research.  I think she as even spent the time to think through the positives and negatives.  But she is standing at a cross roads, and is trying to figure out which way to go.

One of the problems, I think, is we believe most of these decisions are forever.  We think that if we choose then we are stuck with that choice for eternity.  But of course that is not true.  I chose to go to the University of Detroit.  But after a year, I made a different choice.  I chose to go into radio.  But then I changed.  It’s important, in those moments of hesitation, to know that we can always re-direct.  We can always re-focus.  And that change is not failure…it’s growth.

So if you are standing at the crossroads and are struggling with a decision, it’s ok.  You have done the research.  You have spent the time.  Now it’s time…just jump.  Make your decision.  You can always make another decision later.

So “just make your decision already!”

Except you Skylar.  Take your time sweetie.  🙂

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