5 Lessons From the Military

by | Jun 3, 2016


If you want to succeed in any area of your life, you always need to be looking to learn.  That’s why each Friday we look at 5 Lessons you can learn from various people and organizations.  Since we just recognized Memorial Day in the United States, I thought it might be interesting (and appropriate) to look at 5 Lessons we can learn from the Military on today’s Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast.  Listen in here.

In the interest of full disclosure, I never served in our Armed Forces.  So I don’t want misrepresent that. I have, however, always respected the military and our men and women who serve.  So please take this in the way it was intended!  Here are my 5 Lessons you can learn from the Military.  Please let me know if you have more!

Service:  The men and women of the Military are, above all, serving.  We should all appreciate that.  But in it’s truest form, selling is serving.  If we are building an organization and selling, we need to serve.  We need to do so with the best interest of those that we intend to help.  That is how we can most honestly help and authentically grow.

Discipline:  In order to make tough decisions in chaotic environments, our Military focus on discipline.  If these basic tactics, and movements have discipline, soldiers can focus strictly on the goals at hand.  That comes from discipline.  In our culture, we all could use a dose of organizational (and individual discipline).  It will help to create a stronger base from which to build your business.

Be For the Team:  There is no “I’ in team.  The men and women of the Military put themselves in harms way for the good of the country and their fellow soldiers.  They put their team above themselves.

Hard Work: To protect our country, there are hours of hard work that have to be put in.  They have to “put in the hustle” in order to accomplish their missions.  We could all take a lesson from their hard work and sacrifice.

Honor/Integrity:  These traits go hand in hand.  In order to put your life in another person’s hands, you have to trust them completely.  This is a result of honor and integrity.  I think we can all agree that the business world could use more of that.  That begins with us.  Let’s conduct ourselves today with the goal of making our Military proud.

Those are my 5 Lessons from the Military.  What are yours?

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