5 Lessons You Can Learn from Gary Vaynerchuk

by | Mar 25, 2016


If you have never had a chance to watch a Gary Vaynerchuk speech, I recommend you make the time. Gary is an entrepreneur, social media guru and best selling author.  His new book AskGaryVee is a great concept built on his Youtube show where people from all over the world ask him questions about business.  (Yes I have read it, and yes, you should too).

Gary has a lot to say…and a lot to teach.  Here are 5 Lessons that I have learned while watching from afar.  Listen to the podcast here!  It’s worth taking the time to listen.

Give First:  Yes, I am coming back to this again.  We are in a Give First Economy.  Gary does business right (in my opinion).  He creates a ton of content where he is providing value to his audience.   He answers questions, gives insights and shows people into his world.  He gives.  He does not constantly ask.  He takes the time to build content and engage with his fans.  This gives him a great foundation from which to stand when he does go for the sale.

Be a Practitioner:  He is a leader in the space where he does business.  He is running a social marketing company.  So he is constantly trying new strategies and new apps in the social media world.  You can find him on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and more.  He is currently very high on Snapchat and he is using it every day.  He does this so that he can really continue to be an expert…and give great advice.

Create Content:  As I mentioned earlier, he creates content that provides value to his audience.  When he helped to grow his family’s wine business, he created a Youtube show where he reviewed wines.  He did it every day (1000 episodes!).  What is interesting to me, is that he actually panned 2/3 of the wines that he reviewed!  He told you NOT to buy them.  But he built up a trust with his audience so that when he gave you a recommendation, you could trust it.  Now he creates the AskGaryVee show where he answers questions from entrepreneurs.  He creates content!

Share the Lessons:  Once he has learned (by being a practitioner) he is willing to share.  He helps you grow your business through the experiences of growing his.  Be willing to help people.  It will pay off!

Choose Yourself:  Most of us have that voice that says “Who do you think you are?”  Sometimes it’s hard to put yourself out there.  Gary has made a decision to put himself out there…regardless of the push back.  You have to be willing to do that.  You have lessons to teach.  But you have to be willing to choose yourself and tell your story.

If you want to listen to this podcast, please do so here!  And it would mean the world to me if you would subscribe on iTunes! 

Thanks for taking the time today!  Let me know how I can provide you more value today!

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