What Your Kind Words Can Do

by | Nov 21, 2015

One of the people that inspire me in business is Seth Godin.  He is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, blogger and original thinker.  I read his blog every day.  It’s one of the ways I put “good into my head” as I start the day. 

So back in March of this year, when Mark Graham invited me to sit in on the PromoKitchen podcast with Seth, I was more than elated.  Though I was nervous to chat with him, Seth could not have been more gracious.  He had plenty of insightful things to say in the podcast (you can check that out here) and I enjoyed the process thoroughly.

But that was not the most impactful part of it for me.

Just before the podcast went live, Seth told me “I really like the web show (Delivering Marketing Joy) you are doing.  Keep it up.  In 3 years, you will be glad you did.”

What!?  Seth likes my web show?  He even went on to tell me about a specific show with Ted Rubin that he had seen…so I knew he had actually watched it.  I was blown away.

As you might imagine, that meant the world to me.  It’s worth noting, that at the time of that conversation, I did not have my next show lined up.  Now, nearly 9 months later, because of his encouragement, we still have not missed a show.

What does this mean to you?  Simple.  Seth Godin took 2 seconds from his day to offer me a positive word.  It cost him nothing.  But that affirmation drove me to continue down a road that he knew I should be on. 

It cost him little…but meant the world to me.

What could you today to encourage someone?  Go…do it.

Oh…and thanks Seth!


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