Two Steps To Improvement

by | Jul 1, 2014

Last week I was able to take some time to get away from the office.  It’s always great to get out and enjoy life.  But as anyone who has a lot on their plate knows, sometimes it’s tough to come back to all that is on your desk. 

I was certainly struggling with that yesterday morning.  There were so many things on my “To Do” list that I actually didn’t know where to start.  When I find myself in those situations I used to get frustrated and overwhelmed.  Now I do two things…

1)  Take a walk (preferably outside) for about 20 minutes.  I find this time allows me to free my mind from the challenges at hand and come up with a more manageable way to tackle the day.

2)  Take the next right step.  (Then repeat).

This might sound overly simplified.  It might be.  But I find this helps me get my projects moving in the right direction.  So when in doubt…take the next right step.


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