3 Favorite Books of 2016

by | Jun 7, 2016


“5 years from today you will be the same person, except for the people you meet and the books that you read.”

I heard Dave Ramsey say that at an event a few years ago and it stopped me.  Wow.  I can grow as a person based on the books I read.  I control that.  So in 2015 I read 50 books (complete list here).  This year I have set the goal to read 25.  But what books should you read?  It’s hard to say.  But here are my 3 favorite from 2016 in the Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast.

My favorite books of all time? That’s another post.  But my favorite books so far this year are below.  It’s worth mentioning that these are not books written this year.  These are books I have read this year!  Here goes!

The Go-Giver:  This is a great little parable book that really resonated with me.  It’s an easy read with a powerful message.  Do you want to be more successful?  Give more.  Add more value.  I love the concept and I really enjoyed the book.  You can find more information here.

The Happiness Equation:  Probably my favorite book of the year so far.  There are a ton of books out there that tell you how to sell more, make more and be more.  But very few focus on the point of the exercise…be happy more!  Neil Pasricha wrote a book that had me reading it out loud to loved ones.  You can find it here.

Surge:  This is brand new!  Mike Michaelowicz wrote one of my favorite books from last year (Profit First) and this is on the list this year.  The concept of this book is that some entrepreneurs are able to “be in the right place at the right time.”  Mike outlines a way to do that for your business.  Good stuff…you can get it here.

Oh and watch Delivering Marketing Joy tomorrow as I will interview Mike on the new book!  Finally, please allow this shameless plug…my new book “Fan of Happy” is available now.

These are my favorite books so far this year!  What should I read next?

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