Give Yourself Grace

by | Feb 13, 2022

quincy give yourself grace

This morning we woke up at our house with a special guest.  My daughter gave us the privilege of having our grandson Quincy spend the night with us.  We have been excited to have this opportunity and we hoped it would allow Skylar and Keith to get a full night’s sleep.  Amy did the heavy lifting during the night, but then at 6 am, it was my turn.

I got to feed him, change him, entertain him…and more.  It was amazing.

What I did NOT get to do was any of my normal morning routine.  There was no time for reading or writing a blog (I am working on that later), working out, etc.  What I needed to do was give that little man nearly all of my attention…and it was wonderful.

But for me, it was only one morning.

For those of you that are living in this season, you need to give yourself some grace.  There are going to be times when you want to hustle on your goals, but you will not be able to.  It’s just not in the cards.  This is the season you are living in.

This doesn’t mean you just give up.

There are still times you will be able to chase your goals.  But only you can decide when those times are.  I can’t tell you when your baby sleeps.  I don’t know when your shift ends.  You will need to be creative, and introspective about when you can chase those dreams.  You can still do it…but it might take a bit of time.

So give yourself some grace if you are struggling.

Just don’t give up.

Keep taking one step at a time.  Just like Quincy will do…before we know it.

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