The Only Way To Learn Is To Leap

by | Mar 9, 2022

the only way to learn is to leap

There are times when measuring the validity of a concept is incredibly important.  If you are going to buy a home, you really need to run the numbers.  It’s a big decision.  And it’s important to know whether you can afford it.  There are plenty of situations like that.  You can look at the numbers, and the numbers are your friend.  As I have said a lot this past year, “it’s just math.”

But there are other situations where it’s hard to measure the outcome in advance.  No matter how many calculations you run, you simply can’t predict the future.

There is no way to know the ROI on an investment of kindness.  It just “feels” like the right thing to do.  You can measure it till the cows come home…and it’s impossible to gain certainty.

In those situations, running the numbers again will not give you more information.  It will just delay.  You either “feel” like it makes sense or not.  You either trust the idea…or you don’t.  If you are a person that absolutely has to have certainty, then you should probably just wait.  If you take a leap, and it doesn’t work out, it will eat at you.

But sometimes, the only way to learn is to leap.

Side note:  Episode 381 of Delivering Marketing Joy is live today.  Learn about the 3 aspects of your marketing that need to work together to create great results with Matt Christ here now.

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing.  Make sure you never miss an update.  Get on this HMC VIP email list.    Sign up to be an HMC VIP here.


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