A Second Coat

by | Nov 28, 2015

My youngest daughter has had a bright pink room for several years now.  And when I say “bright pink,” I mean the room is glowing.  Super bright.  For me, it’s been a lot to take.  But she liked it.  So I went along.

Recently, however, she decided she wanted to lose the neon pink and go back to white.  That’s the good news.  The bad news, of course, is that we needed to paint.  That’s never something I look forward to!

In laying on the first coat of white, you will likely not be surprised, that no matter how heavy we put it on, the pink kept showing through.  That bright pink paint was just not going to go away easy!  We brushed and rolled and sweated…and at the end we knew we still needed to add another coat.  In a way it was frustrating to have done so much, but still have so much to do.  But we needed to add a second coat.

That’s how it is, sometimes, when starting a new project or goal.  We lay on a heavy dose of sweat.  We push and pull and struggle.  And at the end of a huge amount of effort, we see there is SO much left to do!  It can be overwhelming.

But remember, in that moment, that you have only laid the foundation.  That part of the journey is not supposed to look finished…yet.  It is that base level of effort and progress that will create a bright and shiny future.

You just need to add a second coat.

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