A Week of Marketing Joy

by | Mar 12, 2016


“Wow,” I am hearing a lot right now.  “You do this every day?”

I started creating a podcast every business day at the beginning of 2016.  The goal of the Delivering Marketing Joy podcast is to provide a bit of inspiration and motivation each day to help you (and me) keep the hustle going.  However, if you are like me, then it’s hard to keep up.  So I put this weeks group of #MarketingJoy content in one place.  Enjoy.  (Oh, and if you like any of these, please share with friends).

Inspiring Events:  I recently attended the ICON conference in Phoenix.  The event is put on by Infusionsoft, which is a CRM and automation software designed for small businesses and entrepreneurs.  I love attending events like this because it helps me to re-charge and re-energize.  And frankly, just having the time to be out of the office for a bit of time gives me the chance to “work on” my business as opposed to “working in” my business.  Listen to the podcast here.

Multiplier Activities:  Probably one of the biggest lessons of the past few weeks is in this podcast.  We all are “busy.”  It’s an over-used word.  But I have been realizing that I need to focus on activities that help to amplify my effort.  I should not be working on “one time” activities.  I am not too good for them.  I have been doing them all along!  But they don’t help me “multiply” the business.  Listen to more on this podcast here.

Interview with Peg Fitzpatrick:  I really enjoyed this conversation with the author of “The Art of Social Media.”  Peg is a rock star in social media and blogging.  If you want to build a brand or an audience, listen to this interview today!  Oh…and watch the video of the interview on Youtube here.

Keep Going:  We all need to hear this message once in a while.  If you are working on a project, business or activity where you feel stuck (or you know someone who is) listen to this podcast. Keep going!  You will be glad you did!

Books I am Reading:  Some of you know that I read 50 books last year.  It felt like a lot at the time, but it was very powerful to me.  So I find myself still reading and listening to quite a few books.  Today I discuss why this matters, and a few books you should consider!  Listen to the podcast here.

If you enjoy any of these, please feel free to subscribe!  You can find the podcast on Soundcloud, Stitcher or iTunes! It would mean a lot to me if you would!

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