Are You Really Hustling?

by | Dec 20, 2014

I have long said, “If you want something in life, you need to go get it.”  In other words, I talked a lot about “hustle.”  I talked a lot about it because I love the notion that I am working hard…and I hate the word “busy.”  It’s the most over-used word in the English language.

Then back in October I had the chance to go to the Business Gets Personal Event that included Seth Godin, Dave Ramsey and Gary Vaynerchuk.  Wow.  It was an eye opener for me!  (You can read more about the event here).  I left that event KNOWING I was leaving a lot of “hustle” on the table.  I could work harder. 

More importantly, I could focus on the real activities that are pro-active and money making (that we sometimes put off) versus the activities that make us feel busy.  I could “hustle” more. 

So I did.  And guess what?  Business has been better ever since!

Today I came across this piece of video content from Gary Vaynerchuk that REALLY hit home with me.  He talks about the Most Important Word Ever.  Guess what that word is?  Check it out here.  It’s my favorite piece of content Gary has ever put out.

This reminds me of two things:

1)  When I thought I was “hustling” before, I wasn’t really.  There was more I could do.
2)  I think I am “hustling” now.  Hmmm…there is likely more I can STILL do.

So the question you have to ask yourself today is, “Am I hustling?  Or am I just saying it?”  I think it’s a question only you can answer.


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