One of the hardest things I have learned as I have grown up (still working on that!) is that sometimes I need to ask for help. I have always been an “If it’s to be, it’s up to me” kind of person. I felt like I didn’t need any help. I took pride in that.
But the more I grow as an entrepreneur, business owner and adult, the more I truly understand that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It’s a show of strength. By opening up and asking for help (or even just perspective) I get better ideas.
Operating on an island can take you a long way. And frankly, there is something to be said for being self-sufficient. But when you get stuck, it’s important to understand that there are people that have been where you’ve been (or are going through it now!).
I am a part of a small group that meets regularly to talk about our businesses, ideas and lives. These folks help me gain perspective on business and life…and it’s been invaluable to me. I only wish I would have done it sooner!
Create a relationship of trust. Ask “what do you think?” See what happens.