Be “That Guy” or “That Girl”

by | Sep 9, 2014

I had the opportunity to play in my high school’s alumni soccer game this past weekend (yes I am still sore) and it was a really fun time.  I am not a good soccer player.  Truth be told, I didn’t even play in high school.  But they let me run around like an idiot and don’t make fun of me (at least to my face).

At one point in the game, a player in front of me controlled the ball and was not being pressured.  Most people were conserving energy and waiting for someone else to run up.  So I did.  I ran as fast as I could toward the guy with the ball and tried to put myself between him and his goal.  He got around me and sent the ball to a teammate, but he had to make a quick decision.

It occurs to me that this situation happens a lot in life too.  We get in a situation at work, or church or home where everyone knows what to do.  Everyone agrees that taking that action is probably the right thing to do.  At the very least we all know that we need to take AN action!  But no one wants to do it.  We are all either too tired, too reticent, or too scared to be the one to rush in and make a rukus.  We don’t want to be embarrassed.  So nothing happens.

So be the guy (or gal) that is willing to take action.  The world needs more of “that guy.”  The world (and your work) needs more people who are willing to put themselves out there and throw themselves at a project or a goal.

Be “that guy” or “that girl.”  Your organization will be better for it..and you might have some fun too!


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