How Do You Treat the Waitress?

How Do You Treat the Waitress?

This story starts with me being out to dinner with a colleague.  Everything was going swimmingly until the waitress came out.  As she took our drink order (the very beginning of dinner), he was rude.  Maybe I was being overly sensitive, I thought,...
3 Tips For Making Mistakes

3 Tips For Making Mistakes

Here’s a dirty little secret that you might not want to hear…you are going to screw up.  We all are.  Whether it’s in friendships, relationships, business, school, or life…we all get off the tracks sometimes.  Sometimes we know it’s a mistake...

I Had A Dream Last Night

So last night I was drifting in and out of sleep and this dream kept coming back.I was on a large boat (think cruise ship) in the ocean.  Everything was going fine…until it wasn’t.  The ship was suddenly in distress and people start to freak...
Are You Really Hustling?

Are You Really Hustling?

I have long said, “If you want something in life, you need to go get it.”  In other words, I talked a lot about “hustle.”  I talked a lot about it because I love the notion that I am working hard…and I hate the word...
Give Others Grace To Grow

Give Others Grace To Grow

When I was 16 years old, I was an uber-competitive tennis player.  I would play adults and do ANYTHING to win.  I think back to those days and, sometimes, wince at my behavior.  Although I am still very competitive (ask around), I like to think I have...
The Leadership Quest

The Leadership Quest

I am extremely excited to welcome guest blogger Bill Petrie (from Brandivate) to my blog!  Today Bill shares his years of wisdom on Leadership and 6 traits we can all embrace to become a better leader.  Take it away Bill!There have been countless articles...