Does Everyone Evolve?

by | Jul 13, 2014

I don’t know if you heard about this, but a guy named Lebron James chose to come back and play basketball in Cleveland recently.  Wait…don’t leave yet!  I am excited about this because of the economic impact this will most certainly have in Cleveland…but that’s not what this is about. 

Much has been made of James’ decision to come home.  Much has also been made of the reaction of Cleveland’s fans, who four years ago, acted like jilted lovers.  Now a great percentage of us are welcoming him with open arms.  But not all.  I got this email from a really good guy yesterday….

“As a fan of Cleveland in general and their sports, I sincerely hope that a championship comes their way and will be ecstatic for the city and the residents if it happens.

Yet with all of that said, with LeBron now back, I can’t/won’t support the Cavs until he’s no longer there. Perhaps it’s petty, but the whole “Decision” debacle is something, to me as a Cleveland fan, completely unforgivable.

I do understand the sentiment.  The “Decision” was probably the worst professional moment of LeBron’s career (and he would say so). 

But it got me thinking.  Isn’t it our goal to evolve as adults?  I know that I hope that people don’t judge me on the choices I made when I was 22.  The fact is, we all make choices.  We all make mistakes.  I think the goal for any of us is to learn from each “decision” we make and get better for it.

I am not sure if that’s what has happened here.  But based on my hope for personal evolution…I would like to think so.


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