Hug Your Haters

by | Apr 28, 2016


Any of us that start any organization want to be excellent at what we do.  Why else would we start?  But there are times that even the best companies fall short.  We miss the mark.  And in those moments, we create what Jay Baer calls “Haters.”  In today’s DMJ podcast we talk about Jay’s new book and why you should “Hug Your Haters!”  Listen to the DMJ Podcast here.

So what do you do when you have someone complain?  Does it matter how they complain?  Do you do everything you can to make it right?  Here’s a stat that should scare you:

Eighty percent of companies say they deliver out­standing customer service, but only 8 percent of their customers agree.

Yikes.  As Jay says in the book, however, “Haters are not your problem.  Ignoring them is.”  In Hug Your Haters, Jay digs deep into the research of customer interaction both online and offline.  He explains that “haters” fall into one of two categories; offstage or onstage.

Offstage Haters:  These are your more “traditional” complainers that use email or phone.  They reach out directly to the company to get their issue (hopefully) resolved.

Onstage Haters:  This is the evolution of the complainer that take to social media to express their frustration.

Long story short, Hug Your Haters lent credibility and research to what I have always believed.  If you address these folks (like a human being) you have a great shot at repairing these relationships.  As a matter of fact, Jay’s research shows you have a chance to turn “haters” into “advocates.”

So when you get that complaint of Facebook about a product you sold or a service you provided, you can ignore it or you can address it.  But remember what Jay says, “Haters are not your problem.  Ignoring them is.”

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