I Have A New Book

by | Aug 21, 2024

For those of us who create content, it is really exciting when we get to say “I have a new book.”  It means that, with a lot of hard work (and usually a lot of time), we have seen a creative process through to the end.  And this time that is more true than ever before.  My most recent book (that I wrote with my dad, Rod) has been over 20 years in the making.  It’s called “Son of a Preacher Man” and it is totally different from my other books.

So I thought it might be helpful to give you a little information about this book…and the others that came before it.

I have a new book Son of a Preacher man

Son Of A Preacher Man

As I said, this one is different.  First of all, it’s a murder mystery set in 1996 in Wheeling, West Virginia.  Dad and I started writing this many years ago (back in the 90’s).  We spent the time to flush out the characters, edit the story, and even travel to Wheeling to scope it out.  And then, we did absolutely nothing with it.  Like a lot of people to create something, perfection got into our heads.  It was just never “done enough.”  So it sat on a shelf for all of this time.  At the beginning of this year, I could not take it anymore.  So we dusted it off and scanned it into the computer…and then set out to get it ready.

What we have is something I am proud of.  You can check out Son of a Preacher Man here.

hit the target


Hit The TARGET is a business book written as a parable.  The book is written about Michael Mark. Michael’s life is in shambles. His wife died in a tragic car accident, and his business is falling apart. Michael gets a call from the bank and learns that he is about to lose his family home…and he has 3 weeks to save it.  Michael meets Charles and begins to learn to take control of his life. Charles teaches Michael about the TARGET marketing framework in order to help him turn his business (and his fortunes around).

You can find Hit The TARGET here.

the give first economy

The Give First Economy

I believe we live in a Give First Economy. What does that mean? It means that the entrepreneurs, salespeople, and organizations that provide value first will win.  In this book, I talk about strategies to implement so you can build trust and sales with the right kind of customer.  You can find The Give First Economy here.

Fan Of Happy

We all have lessons that we want to pass on to our kids. But when the kids are teenagers, they might not want to listen.  That was certainly true for me and my daughters.  So I wrote this book.  This book is full of 110 life lessons that are true when we are 14 or 54. You can find the book here on Amazon and learn why I am a Fan of Happy.

Delivering Marketing Joy

I wrote Delivering Marketing Joy to help my customers do branded merch better.  It’s short, sweet, and tactical.  So if you want to use branded merch in order to help you at a new trade show, improve a direct mail campaign, or even launch a new product, this book can help.  In addition, we have found that people who are new to the Branded Merch space use it for training new team members.

You can find Delivering Marketing Joy here.

So, yes…I have a new book!  You can find it here.  I am excited about each of these and I hope they provide you entertainment and information!  Enjoy.