Improve Your Organization’s Communication with the Non-Update Update

by | Jul 10, 2024

Want to improve your organization’s communication? Master the art of the non-update update.

Let’s talk about something that my team and I are discussing quite a lot right now.

It’s called the Non-Update update.

Communication can make all the difference in a project. If you and your organization take on a project or an order, work behind the scenes on the order, tackle the challenges of the order, and then…after some time… deliver the order to the customer…but never communicate to the customer…they might get frustrated. Why? Because although you were working on the order, they often feel completely in the dark. They have sent you the order (and maybe money too), and from their perspective, you disappear.

And while you are tackling the project and maybe overcoming challenges (often challenges the customer created), the gap between communication gets longer. You think you are operating on their behalf (and you are), but they think they are being ignored. In your mind, you don’t have anything good to share with them…so you share nothing at all.

Sharing nothing at all is a problem.

That is why we talk about the Non-Update update. The non-update update is a simple reach-out that just says “Hey we are still working on this. We haven’t forgotten you. We are waiting on a quote. Or we are close to moving this into production.” In other words, we haven’t forgotten about you.  We are on it.

Simple communication can change the customer experience in a big way. So make sure you are using it to create the experience you want for your customer.

Our goal is to continue to provide you value…and ways to grow.  With that in mind, Here is our TARGET marketing playbook.  It will help you identify your perfect customer, build your list, and build your brand.  Get your copy of the playbook for free here.