Looking for a Reason

by | Nov 30, 2015

If you wake up every day and spend any time on social media (or media in general), you may have noticed an epidemic.  It’s an epidemic of controversies.  Nearly every day, it seems, a group in the United States is totally up in arms about some new offense.

Someone (or something) has wronged them and they will be heard!

These urgent issues are lapped up by a 24 hour media starving for stories and become “the” trending topic.  Then, as is the case with this attention, it goes through the cycle and goes away.

But it’s not the media’s fault.  We have a choice.  Stop looking for a reason to be offended.

We all know that person that seems to have a political agenda, a personal vendetta or simply want to complain each day.  They have a weekly (or sometimes daily) issue that they find offensive.  They share posts and information and support their anger (whether it is factual or not).  They light gas to the fire of negativity.

They are the kind of person that is annoyed if they can’t find something to be pissed about.

Turn those people off.  Hide them.  Cut them out of your life.  Stop looking for a reason to be mad all the time.

Start looking for a reason to be grateful.  You will be pleased with what you discover.

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