One Thing At a Time

by | Feb 9, 2017

It’s easy to get overwhelmed.  We all do it.  If you have ever started to work on an exciting and important project, you have probably become overwhelmed at some point.  On a project like that, there are lots of steps, and procedures, and processes to accomplish.  And, if the project is a new one, you need to learn them along the way.  It’s a lot to process.

I was having a moment like that yesterday.

Spending some time on the new Hasseman Brewing project yesterday, a friend of mine and I were looking at the bar design, discussing the kegerator (that had just arrived), talking about decor and then went in to a local store to discuss some flooring.  These are all important and exciting aspects of the project.  As we came out of the store, my mind reeling, I took a big breath and said “What’s next?”

Sensing my stress level rising, my friend said, “One thing at a time.”  I took a deep breath and said, “That’s right.”

No matter what the project is, we can’t do everything at once.  We have to make a list of the steps we will need to accomplish the project.  We have to prioritize the most important steps in the project.  Then we have to start to work on those steps, one at a time.  Oh, and if you can’t accomplish those tasks in a fairly short period of time, break them down into smaller tasks.  This will allow you to make progress…and feel the progress in the moment.

So if you are in the middle of a big project (or getting ready to start one), get ready.  The stress is coming.  But it’s a good stress.  It’s the kind of stress that pushes you to grow.  Just remember that you can’t accomplish it all at once.

You have to remember the old question.  How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

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