Quick Content Recap

by | Jul 30, 2016


At the end of a week it can be good to look back and reflect.  It’s also a good time to see what you missed. So here is a quick look back at recent content you might enjoy!  Let me know what you think!

Delivering Marketing Joy:  As you (hopefully) know, we create a new Delivering Marketing Joy each week.  We talk to entrepreneurs, salespeople, marketers, authors and more…and they give great insight into life in business.  Here are 3 recent episodes as we roll toward 100!

Episode 91 with Jessica Hutwelker:  Jessica is a return guest and always brings an inspiring attitude to DMJ.  Watch here.

Episode 92 with Keith Simon:  Keith is the VP of AAA Innovations and we talked (you guessed it) innovation.  Watch here.

Episode 93 with Keith Lofton:  Keith is all about marketing in a niche and learning on the job.  Check this one out!

unScripted:  If you have not had a chance to check out this new Podcast with my buddy Bill Petrie, now is the time.  Each week Bill and I get together and chat about what is on our minds.  This time we have some fun with some pretentious business card titles…and more.  Listen in here!

Weekly Word:  Again, with the idea of consistency, each week I put out a Weekly Word to motivate and inspire you.  This week the word is REAP.  What are you doing to have a successful sales harvest?  Watch the Weekly Word here.

He Said/She Said:  This is a new piece of content that my wife and I have created.  Each month we take a look at a topic and debate from both sides.  This time we take a look at whether men or women make the best salespeople.  This is a fun debate…and the bloopers at the end of these always make me smile.  Enjoy that video here.

So that’s a quick look!  Now it’s time to get back to work!  Embrace the hustle.

Want to keep up all the time?  Make sure to join our VIP List!  Our VIP’s get an email with the latest content…and other special offers as well.  Join here.


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