I Have A New Book

I Have A New Book

For those of us who create content, it is really exciting when we get to say “I have a new book.”  It means that, with a lot of hard work (and usually a lot of time), we have seen a creative process through to the end.  And this time that is more true than...
Chasing Failure

Chasing Failure

Sometimes I can be a bit slow.  About 4 or 5 months ago, a client at the Hasseman Marketing Customer Appreciation show told me about a book I should read.  “It’s called Chasing Failure…and I think you would really love it.”  I figured I would...
If you want to create…you can create

If you want to create…you can create

While it seems we are constantly told why the world is falling apart, I believe (in many ways) there has never been a better time.  If you want to start a business, there have never been more tools to help you get started.  It’s easier to learn nearly anything...
29 Game-Changing Books for Business

29 Game-Changing Books for Business

I love blogs, podcasts, and videos.  Each of these has the chance to inspire me and lift me up.  I have created time in my morning routine to put some good into my brain each day…and these are often my tool of choice.  But if I really want to take a deep dive...
7 Great Books For Sales

7 Great Books For Sales

I love to read.  Don’t get me wrong.  It’s not because I love the feeling of “curling up with a good book.”  That’s fine, I guess.  But my personality does not really lend me to a curling-up kind of guy.  I love it because I feel like reading pushes me.  It makes me...