Is What You Are Saying Being Heard?

Is What You Are Saying Being Heard?

Years ago, I had an employee come to my office to discuss getting a raise.  She was a really good employee, so the request was not a crazy one.  During the conversation, she told me that she had another job offer that would pay her an extra $1 per hour.  This was an...
3 Favorite Books of 2016

3 Favorite Books of 2016

“5 years from today you will be the same person, except for the people you meet and the books that you read.” I heard Dave Ramsey say that at an event a few years ago and it stopped me.  Wow.  I can grow as a person based on the books I read.  I control...
5 Lessons I Learned from My Dad

5 Lessons I Learned from My Dad

Each Friday we take a look at 5 Lessons we can learn from someone in the sports, business, or entertainment world.  This week we stick with the “5 Lessons” theme but I get a little more personal.  Today we look at 5 Lessons that I learned (and you can too)...
The Most Common Word

The Most Common Word

This is going to feel harsh.  The truth often does. It seems like every time I turn around I run into someone who says “I have an idea.”  Super.  Of course there is nothing inherently wrong with an idea.  An idea can most certainly be a good thing.  The...