An Insidious Habit Holding You Back

An Insidious Habit Holding You Back

There is one thing that is holding many of us back.  I know I struggle with it sometimes.  It’s an insidious habit that has a negative impact on our relationships, our attitude, our goals, and our happiness.  And the biggest challenge is, once we develop the...
What Are You For?

What Are You For?

Here is something I have noticed over the past several years in America.  We spend a great deal of time, energy, and money to define ourselves by what we are against.  We spew vitriol at the thing we are against and we insult anyone that might dare to disagree.  It...
Life Is Choices

Life Is Choices

I tell my kids all the time that life is about choices.  In my best parenting voice I said “If you make good choices, you will have a good life.”  Of course I remind them that the opposite is true.  I think we forget that as adults though.  We think that...