Helping 10,000

Helping 10,000

Anyone that knows me knows I believe in goals.  I think they can have a huge impact on your life.  Most people, it seems to me, just let life happen to them.  They get to the end of a week, a year, or a decade and wonder what happened.  Most of them do not create...
Partners Versus Vendors

Partners Versus Vendors

One word that gets tossed around in business a lot right now is “partnership.”  Everyone seems to want to be your partner.  Your customers want a “partner” that will help them grow.  And your vendors want to be that “trusted...
10 Must Read Books for Entrepreneurs

10 Must Read Books for Entrepreneurs

I got a call the other day from a friend asking for book recommendations.  When I get a call like this I head to my blog to look at different book lists I have created.  In doing so, I realized it was time to update some with a few new books that I love.  So here is...