7 Ways To Snap Out Of A Funk

7 Ways To Snap Out Of A Funk

Here’s a news flash.  There will be a time you get down.  Regardless of how “happy go lucky” a person appears to be, they will have time when they feel off their game.  It happens to all of us.  It certainly happens to me. And one of the most...
A Case of the “Yeah Buts”

A Case of the “Yeah Buts”

I see something happening on social media that is troubling to me.  It’s probably been happening for sometime, but it’s just bubbled to the top for me.  It’s a frustrating trend of the “Yeah-buts.” What do I mean?  It’s simple. No...
5 Reasons To Stop Complaining

5 Reasons To Stop Complaining

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain.  And most fools do.”  Dale Carnegie There is a disease that is rampant in our culture right now.  It decreases our happiness and our productivity and it affects nearly all of the population (at times).  We don’t know how...
My Own Social Dilemma

My Own Social Dilemma

I talk a lot about the importance of intentional morning routines.  I think it is critical for a productive (and ultimately happy) day.  One of the things that I try to be intentional about is to “put some good” into my brain first thing in the morning.  I...
Make a Positive Choice

Make a Positive Choice

Studies tell us that a full 90% of what we see in the world is negative.  If you are on social media with any regularity, I would think you might assume this is low.  Many thought that with the recent election cycle ending, the negativity would slow down.  But I think...