Things I Am Grateful For

by | Nov 26, 2020

things I am grateful for

I love Thanksgiving.  It’s always been one of my favorite holidays.  It starts with the wonderful food and fellowship.  But I think it is also because it reminds us all that we need to be more “thankful.”  It’s built right in the name!  And while this year is more challenging (and it is) I still have plenty to be grateful for in my life.

So I decided to make a list of the many things I am grateful for in 2020.

My wife and kids.  We have spent more time together this year…and that has been really great.

The rest of my family.  While we have not seen each other nearly as much, I know they still love and support me.

My team at Hasseman Marketing.

The customers who show us trust and support with their brand, every day.

The amazing progress Amy is making at The Renaissance on Main.

The team at the Renaissance helping Amy make that progress.

My dogs…for the most part.

My health.  This is something we all take for granted sometimes.  Not this year.

My home.  I am blessed.

My friends.

My community.

My ability to write and communicate.  That brings me joy and decreases my stress.

The technology to still stay connected.

My morning routine.

A good cup of coffee in the morning.

My partners in business.  Whether they are suppliers, or mentors or bankers or friends.

Understanding I have plenty.

A hot shower in the morning.

The ability to think for myself.

The ability and the desire to help others…and the gift of them helping me.

I am grateful to have this platform to share my thoughts.

I am humbled that a few people read, listen and watch.

The many books I have read and listened to over the years that provide me knowledge and perspective.

The understanding that life is about choices.  And one of the most powerful choices you can make, if you want to be happy, is to be grateful.

Have a wonderful, safe and blessed Thanksgiving everyone.  I am grateful for you.

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in have him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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