What Will YOU Create?

by | Jan 22, 2021

what will you create

The other day, the Mayor of Coshocton posted on Facebook at that Dunkin will be coming to our community.  I was excited to hear this for several reasons, not the least of which means there is more investment in Coshocton County.  While most people seemed excited to see this announcement, there were a few comments that said we needed more healthy options in the community.

As I saw that sentiment, I thought “Okay, great.  So go start something.”

If you don’t see enough art…go create art.

If you want more flowers…plant more flowers.

If you see a landscape that is missing a podcast for a specific niche…create that podcast.

And if you want a business that serves more healthy options…start that business.

So many times in life we wait for someone else to fix a problem.  We wait for “they” to fix it.  They will not.  It’s up to us.  We have the ability to create the change we want to see in our community (and in our lives) if we are willing to raise our hand.  Complaining won’t do it.  We have to choose to create something…and then be willing to do the work.

I don’t push back in this way to call you out.  I bring it up because I am excited to see what the world (and my community) will look like when you push your gifts out.

What will you create?

Oh…and it’s Friday, so feel free to check out the latest Promo UpFront podcast.  It’s one of my “latest creations.”

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Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in have him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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