When You’re Stuck

by | Jun 2, 2016


At some point we all get stuck.  We might be trying to decide whether to take a leap of faith.  We might be trying to make a totally new start.  Or you might even be looking at a big new project.  Any of these can be daunting and intimidating.  We have all been there.  I have too.  So in today’s Delivering Marketing Joy podcast I explore what I do to get “unstuck.”


The solution to any time you are stuck is simple.  You need to take action.  But as I often say, simple is not the same as easy.  The fact is, we all get stuck because of fear.  We are afraid of making the wrong decision, or looking silly, or failing.  Either way, fear keeps us from acting.  And Grant Cardone compares Fear to Fire.  Fire needs oxygen to survive.  With fear, that oxygen is time.  The longer you wait on the “perfect moment” to make that call, the harder it is to make.  The time feeds the fear and it gets bigger.  You need to act.

But that’s easier said than done with you are stuck.  So here are three steps to get you unstuck.

Do a Brain Dump:  When I have a big project where I don’t know where to start, this helps get me going.  I get all the thoughts I have running around out of my head.  As I read recently, the brain is a great place for coming up with ideas, not storing them.  Get the entire list out of your head and onto paper, or email or a device.  Whatever.  Get it out of your brain.

List the Top 10:  What are the top 10 priorities that you could do to let this project move a baby step forward.  You might even call it the “next 10.”  Pick some low hanging fruit.  These might push the project way down the road, or it might be a small step.  But what are the next 10 things you can do.  List them in order of priority or ease.

Do Number 1:  Just take the next step.  Just one.  Often in the process I do several more.  But that feeling of accomplishment can often get you unstuck…and heading in the right direction.

Seem too simple?  Maybe.  But have you done it?

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