I rarely look at the weather forecast. Ever. People will ask me, “What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?” and I usually respond, “Got me!”
I just don’t see a lot of point in spending time on it. I just get up in the morning and see what the conditions are like, and plan (and act) accordingly. And let’s face it, if the next “Snowmadeddon” is coming, it will be all over Facebook and Twitter anyway. So I will know. Even then, that massive storm sometimes comes…and sometimes not.
It occurs to me that I feel the same way about most predictions. I don’t pay a lot of attention to them.
*The weather will be bad!
*The economy will be terrible!
*That will never work in this area.
*People will never buy that!
Many times those are just wild guesses by those that have not put in the work. Instead, I would rather set my vision and my course and go.
Then, each day I will “get up in the morning and see what the conditions are like, and plan (and act) accordingly.