You Can’t Always See It…

by | Oct 29, 2015

Last night was the last game of my oldest daughter’s senior soccer season.  It was an awesome game, really.  The contest was tied 0-0 after regulation (and only soccer fans know how exciting that can be).  The game went into overtime and the opposing team (Hiland) put in a goal with an incredible, turn around shot. 

It was just an incredible play.  Game over.  Season over. 

After the contest I was talking to another parent about how the girls played.  It’s cliche to say, but they played hard.  As a matter of fact, I felt like this was the best they had played (from beginning to end) all season long.

“But they won’t be able to see that right now,” I said.  He agreed.  It’s hard to see the positives in that moment.

That reminds of the journey many of us are on right now.  We are putting in the work.  We are embracing the hustle.  You are trying to build something, piece by piece by showing up each day. 

And then, suddenly, we have a setback.  It’s so frustrating in that moment!  We want to scream or cry (or yell at a ref).  But what we need to remember is how far we have come.

So just remember, it’s hard to see the path you are on, while you are on it.

Take a breath and remember…you can’t always see it from here.   But push ahead, keep battling…the view will be better from the top.

P.S.  Congrats to the Lady Redskins on a great season.  You kept battling to the very end.  Proud of you.


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