12 Week Year Goals…My Progress

by | Feb 2, 2021

12 week year goals progress

We all love simple, 3 step processes.  They spell things out and simplify the complex.  If you were to create a simple, 3 step process for reaching your goals it might go like this.

  1. Set the goal (write it down).
  2. Do the work.
  3. Analyze to see how you did!

It’s simple…not easy.  The fact of the matter is, most people don’t do step one.  But if you have done that, you are on your way.  As you may know, I set my 12 Week Year Goals this year and posted them to this blog.  One of the reasons I love this concept is it shortens the window and keeps me focused.  This sense of urgency helps to keep me focused when my mind wants to wander.  And trust me, it does.

So I thought today it might be fun to break up the 3 step process and analyze how I am doing as of right now!

Here are my 12 Week Year Goals

  • Run 150 Miles by March 31st:  As of right now I am at 55 miles on Strava…so I would say I am on track.  I need to keep it up!
  • Do 6000 push-ups by March 31st:  As of yesterday I was at 2032, so I am close.  I might be a smidge behind.  I missed a few days on vacation…so I need to pick it up.
  • Write a blog post here each day:  I have written 23 blogs so far at the beginning of this year.  You can make the argument I have failed so far.  I am going to give myself a bit of grace here.  I need to keep grinding on this.  But I think it’s a good start.
  • Launch New Coaching Business:  I have started the beginning steps here…but lots more needs to be done.
  • Read or Listen to 10 Books:  On my way on this one.  I have finished 3 but have 4 more started.
  • Sell Property at 303 4th Street in Coshocton:  I don’t have complete control over this one.  But we are promoting it!  If you want to know why you should start your business here in Coshocton County…read this.
  • Help Amy get the Renaissance on Main finished and fully operational:  I get too much credit for this on a normal basis.  Amy is killing it on this.  Getting closer!
  • Increase Savings:  I am holding steady on this goal.  While I have not increased my personal savings, I did get a vacation in without depleting it.
  • Buy a Hot Tub:  I have done very little on this one.  While I have done a bit of research, I really want to see these in person.
  • Cook Dinner One Night per week:  I have probably cooked 3 times.  So not as much as I like.  I can’t wait to for grilling season so I can start cooking outside.

So there you have it.  Those are my goals for the first part of 2021…and how I am doing.  Have you looked at your goals and tracked your progress.  Today might be a good day to start.

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Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full-service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in having him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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