Building Your Personal Brand

Businesses talk about brand all of the time. But do you think about branding when it comes to the business of “YOU?” You should! If you are looking to land a job, start a business, sell a product or get a date, the brand of “YOU” is what you...

Are You Actually DOING it?

An email I sent to my sales team the other day.So I read an ebook the other day that I decided to check out. It was a free download, so I took that into consideration. It was short and an easy read about how to sell $100,000 per month in promotional products. I think...

Doing What You Have To Do

We have a disease in parts of our society. It’s a disease that is eating away at our customer service, relationships and quality of life. It makes individual encounters (and mass ones) hard to deal with…and exhausting.It’s called “Doing What...

I Don’t Have Time

One of my pet peeves when I talk to people who are considering taking on a new project, is when they say, “I don’t have time.” Yes you do.The question is not (generally) whether or not you have time. It’s what you have decided to prioritize....