Reading Mindset…

I am reading a book called Mindset…The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dwek and it’s been very fascinating.  Check it out here: basic concept is there are two mindsets in humans, and the mindset you...

Fighting the Business Blahs

If you have a sales team, then at some point or another, you are sure to have a lull in activity.  It sometimes comes in the summertime for me, but your organization might be different.  But my guess is, regardless of the time of year, this shows up as the a...

A Great Lesson on the Chapters of Our Life

I was listening to a CD in the car today of Wayne Dyer.  As you may know, Dr. Dyer is a best selling author, speaker, teacher on the Power of Manifesting what you want in your life.  I highly recommend his teachings for those that want to take control of...