Taking the Right Actions

Taking the Right Actions

If you have been in sales for any period of time you have probably experienced some type of slump.  It happens.  The problem, sometimes, with a slump is that it affects your mood.  And of course, in sales, if your mood is affected, it affects your...

I Don’t Mean To Be…

During my final semester at college I had landed a full time job and was driving to finish school each day.  One day I was running late to class and sped onto campus at West Liberty University and pulled into the dreaded “faculty parking.”  I was...
Love It When A Plan Comes Together

Love It When A Plan Comes Together

I was looking through the channels the other day and saw a re-run of the old A-Team series.  It was a hilarious collection of cheesy dialogue and silly explosions.  Great 80’s entertainment.  Of course the end of the show always has Hannibal (with...

Not Every Opinion Matters

I have been guilty of being a “people pleaser” from time to time.  It bothers me when I make people mad.  I want them to like me.  I want to be accepted.  It’s human nature, I think.  We all want to be liked and...
#MSM Let’s Start a New Monday Tradition

#MSM Let’s Start a New Monday Tradition

We have all heard it.  We have all seen it.  People all over the country (and probably the world) struggle with Mondays.  We can discuss the why’s of how this came to be, and whether it should be, but that will likely not change the fact that many...