Not Every Opinion Matters

by | Jun 9, 2014

I have been guilty of being a “people pleaser” from time to time.  It bothers me when I make people mad.  I want them to like me.  I want to be accepted.  It’s human nature, I think.  We all want to be liked and accepted. 

But here’s a truth that has taken me a long time to realize:  Not every opinion really matters. 

Don’t take this as the cynical statement that it sounds like.  It’s not that am dissing half the population.  I’m not. 

It’s just that as you create the life you want, not everyone will understand.  Not everyone will be along for the ride.  Not everyone will agree or appreciate the path you have chosen…or all the choices you make. 

And that’s ok.  As long as you really understand what you want to create.  As long as you are truly happy with the life you have chosen, their opinion doesn’t matter. 

Not everyone’s opinion matters.  Just yours.


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