Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

 It’s a funny irony about life.  If you want to be good at a lot of things, you need to be willing to be bad at a lot of things.  If you have ever tried to learn something new, you know what I mean.  The first time you try to skateboard, or speak a...
Happiness Is A Choice

Happiness Is A Choice

This past week I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time in a Mexican paradise with my family.  What a gorgeous location.  The resort had awesome food, great views, fantastic weather and free food and drinks.  What could be better, right? ...

Live in the Present

Regardless of where you are in the world, there is likely beauty all around you.  There are things to learn and see and experience. Take a deep breath.  Set down your device.  Look around.  Listen.Live in the present moment and be “all...
Always Be Looking To Learn

Always Be Looking To Learn

Too often in life, I have spent time being impatient about “getting there.”  Whatever the destination, I want to get there now.  When it comes to goals, appointments, or even going to vacation, I am often the equivalent of the 7 year old in the...
When in Doubt, Try Something New

When in Doubt, Try Something New

There is nothing in the world that I find more relaxing and fun than a vacation with my family.  When done right, it’s a chance to re-connect, laugh, and truly focus on one another.  It’s priceless time.  In addition, it’s often a...