What Is Reasonable?

What Is Reasonable?

Last night I had the opportunity to have a business meeting in Columbus with a fantastic old friend.  He is a brilliant physician, and he and his partner are considering starting a new venture.  The challenge with the meeting was that it needed to be...
Un-Break Relationships

Un-Break Relationships

Have you ever had a relationship that felt like it was “in a rut?”  Maybe the person is a close friend, a parent, a boss or an employee and their just seems to be some distance…or frustration…or hurt. It’s easy in these situations to...
5 Business Lessons from Garth Brooks

5 Business Lessons from Garth Brooks

  My awesome wife (yes my wife is the best) bought me tickets to go see Garth Brooks in concert for Christmas.  So I was lucky enough to be among the thousands of fans to see him in Pittsburgh recently.  The show was truly outstanding.  Whether you are a fan of...
Why I Don’t Listen To Predictions

Why I Don’t Listen To Predictions

I rarely look at the weather forecast.  Ever.  People will ask me, “What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?” and I usually respond, “Got me!” I just don’t see a lot of point in spending time on it.  I just...
4 Ways to Improve Your Mood

4 Ways to Improve Your Mood

Though I am a positive person, not every day starts with a a smile.  Some days you wake up with a foul dream in your head, a bad taste in your mouth and a harsh thought in your brain.Some days you feel like you are not going to hit the mark.  Everyone feels...