Year In Review “Thank You”

Year In Review “Thank You”

I love this time of the year.  It’s the time we look forward to the year to come with awe and excitement and wonder.  We dream and we vision what we will make.  We also take this time to look back.  What did we do?  What did we fail to do?  And hopefully, how...
Content Schedule for 2017

Content Schedule for 2017

During this time of year I try to look forward.  Not only do I look forward to the parties and the get-togethers with family and friends.  I also look forward to the coming year…and what I want that to look like.  So with that in mind I have given some thought...
The Value is in Doing

The Value is in Doing

The older I get, the less I value ideas. Don’t get me wrong.  Ideas are fun!  There is something truly fun and magical about that time when you (or your team) has an idea that is exciting.  You get to take the idea out and consider the possibilities.  It can be...
Once You Tell Yourself

Once You Tell Yourself

I am in a good mood nearly all of the time.  I choose to be. But no matter how chipper you are, there are days that get away from you.  There are days that are not “good days.”  Yesterday was one of those days.  No matter what I did, I could not get myself...
Listen to your own voice

Listen to your own voice

What do you do first thing in the morning?  What is your routine? If you are like most people I know, you wake up and immediately search for your phone, your computer, or your remote for the TV.  Maybe you do this because you are concerned that you might have gotten...