Purpose = Contentment

Purpose = Contentment

Let me let you in on a little secret.  Some days are better than others.  That has been really true for me during this pandemic.  Some days I feel like things are going well.  I am going to be fine.  As a matter of fact, I am going to come out of this stronger than...
Get My Book For Free

Get My Book For Free

When you write a book, it means you have an idea that you want to share.  You have an idea, and you want it to spread.  While it’s nice to be paid for that idea (n the form of book sales) most people who write books, don’t make a living at it.  They are...
10 Must Read Books for Entrepreneurs

10 Must Read Books for Entrepreneurs

I got a call the other day from a friend asking for book recommendations.  When I get a call like this I head to my blog to look at different book lists I have created.  In doing so, I realized it was time to update some with a few new books that I love.  So here is...
The ONE Thing Successful People Have In Common

The ONE Thing Successful People Have In Common

When you look at people that are successful, it can be easy to become intimidated.  You look at the person you admire and see all the places where they might be exceptional.  And you would be right.  The problem, so many times, is we start to look at the places they...
Stop Being So Angry!

Stop Being So Angry!

Is it just me, or do people just seem so angry right now? In nearly every interaction, about every topic, someone seems to have a Ford 150 size chip on their shoulder.  No matter what we are discussing, we seem ready to argue.  This is particularly true, it seems,...