Get My Book For Free

by | Jul 27, 2020

fan of happy bookWhen you write a book, it means you have an idea that you want to share.  You have an idea, and you want it to spread.  While it’s nice to be paid for that idea (n the form of book sales) most people who write books, don’t make a living at it.  They are passionate about a topic.  And often, they want to help other people.  That is why I want you to get my book for free.

Click here to get your Kindle copy of Fan of Happy” for free this week.

I wrote the book Fan of Happy for my girls.  Like a lot of parents with teenagers, you have a lot you want to share with them.  You want to help them grow.  You want to keep them safe.  And maybe most importantly, you want them to side step some of the mistakes we made.  The challenge, of course, is that our kids don’t always want to hear these brilliant lessons in the moment.  They don’t have time or they already know everything.  I know I did.

So I started writing these lessons down.

I figured that, at some point, my daughters might be ready to hear what I had to say.  They might even want to learn my perspective.  As I put more and more of these lessons on paper, I decided that there might be value to other people as well.  So I decided to turn these lessons into a book.  Now you can get the Kindle version for free here.

I am excited to create an idea that might spread.  So please, feel free to get your copy.  And if you think someone else might enjoy it, or benefit from it, please share it with them too!  My only request is, if you do enjoy the book, free free to write a review…and let me know what you thought!

Here’s to being Happy!

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  


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