Consider This Your Nudge

Consider This Your Nudge

I have been intentional the past week or so about “putting good in my brain.”  This has included curating the books and podcasts I listen to, and the amount of time I have spent on social media.  I have just been a bit more selective.  When I do this, I...
Fight My Natural Tendencies

Fight My Natural Tendencies

I purchased bi-focal sunglasses the other day.  I needed something to wear as I was mowing.  I can see long distances really well, but I am struggling to see my phone.  It’s maddening at times, but I am by no means the first person to deal with this.  (Be...
The Media And The Troll

The Media And The Troll

Most of us know a troll.  I don’t mean to be a name-caller, but you know the type of person I mean.  As a matter of fact, you probably thought of a specific person when you read the first sentence.  “Oh…I know a troll,” you thought!  This is...
Did I Solve The Right Problems

Did I Solve The Right Problems

Entrepreneurs solve problems.  That’s their job.  All-day…every day.  I talked about that here. If and when you accept that premise, it sets you free to ask a very important question.  “What problems do I want to solve today?” Oh…other...
Entrepreneurship Is Solving Problems

Entrepreneurship Is Solving Problems

I love being an entrepreneur.  I really do.  It’s incredibly interesting, challenging, and always something different.  And it gives me the ability to chart the path.  I love that.  But make no mistake…it’s not easy.  Entrepreneurship is incredibly...