3 Tips for Sales

by | May 5, 2016


If you are in any form of business or growing an organization, I have a newsflash for you.  You are in sales.  It doesn’t matter what your title is.  It doesn’t matter what people think you do.  You are in sales.  And by the way, so is everyone in your organization, whether they know it or not.  Maybe you know that  I hope you do.  But we can all get better.  So today we take a look at 3 steps in getting better at sales today.  Listen to the Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast here.

So you want to get better at sales?  I hope so.  Here are the 3 steps for doing sales better in today’s economy.

Give First:  Yes you have heard me say this before (if you have been listening).  This is the first step to sales in this new economy.  The best sales people, entrepreneurs and brands build long term relationships with customers by providing value up front.  This can take quite a few forms.  Maybe for you it’s sharing relevant content online.  It might be sharing articles or referrals to your prospects before you really ask them buy.  It might be providing them exciting SWAG.  Either way, you meet the prospect on their turf and GIVE them value first.

Be Willing to Say “I don’t know”:  So many times with sales we get hung up on the idea that we have to have all of the answers.  We have to know everything and be able to answer every objection.  But by being a bit more vulnerable, we can often increase our trust and integrity with our prospects.  Obviously we need to know our stuff as best we can.  But we can’t always know it all.  Be willing to share that.

Go For the Sale:  After you have provide value or made the presentation, you still need to ask for the business.  This is still true today.  Some people still struggle with that final step.  Think of it this way, if you have taken 45 minutes to meet with someone to discuss their needs, you will have wasted their time if you DON’T ask for the sale.  At some point you need to go get it.  Most prospects will expect you to ask, and if you have provided value, they will be okay with it!

Go grow your business by selling today!  Good luck!

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