4 Lessons From Episode 385 of Delivering #MarketingJoy

by | Apr 6, 2022

4 Lessons From Episode 385 of Delivering #MarketingJoy

Every Wednesday I get to chat with some of the best and brightest the business world has to offer on Delivering #MarketingJoy.  This week, I got to sit down with the Chief Revenue Officer from Snugz, Brittany David.  You can listen to the whole interview here on PromoCorner.  But here are 4 lessons from Episode 385 of Delivering #MarketingJoy!

You Can’t Over-Communicate

In the last couple of months, Snugz announced a large acquisition in the promo and marketing space as they purchased Sweda.  Brittany talked about the idea that things are evolving so fast that you have continually make sure everyone is on the same page.  And while you might think you have said something over and over, the person in front of you might be hearing it for the first time.

Make Hard Decisions Fast

During transitions like this, there will be difficult decisions.  When you know they are coming, make those decisions fast.   As Brittany said, “A shit sandwich doesn’t taste good, no matter what condiments you put on it.”

Make An Emotional Connection

Snugz recently announced a new AR project as well called SWAGAR.  Brittany says that beyond the cool factor, it helps to create an emotional connection with the product.  When you can make an emotional connection, people are more likely to purchase.

We Still Need to Plan Ahead

Brittany turned the table on me to ask if I think that supply chain issues will teach customers to order early and not wait until the last minute on projects.  I would love to say “yes.”  But I think that things will get back to normal at some point.  But as we talk about a lot at Hasseman Marketing, the supply chain is not solved yet!  We still need to plan ahead if we want to get our branded merch in time!

So there are just 4 lessons from episode 385 of Delivering #MarketingJoy!  Brittany David is a rock star!  If you want to catch up on all of the latest Delivering #MarketingJoy episodes, head to PromoCorner here.

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing.  Make sure you never miss an update.  Get on this HMC VIP email list.    Sign up to be an HMC VIP here.


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